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We have a small but thriving community and no one is paid to manage it. That could not happen without “many hands making light work.” We have several regular donors and with the support of the yoga classes we can pay our overhead and make periodic donations to the teachers whose programs we share in the dharma study groups. The overhead includes rent, lights, heat, internet, website maintenance, and both cleaning and bathroom supplies. At this time at least, no salaries are paid to anyone. Everything is done by volunteers. We cannot thank them enough. I am especially appreciative of those who have taken the initiative, and when they have seen a need, have stepped up to take care of it.
Here is a list of what gets done by our volunteers. If you are one of these, please know that we are truly grateful. And if you are new to the studio and want to help out, talk to Sharon Ely ( about how you think you can be helpful,
I am most grateful for all of the students who started showing up 10 years ago to watch dharma teachers on the wall of my living room. Throughout the last 10 years, many more of you have shown up to learn, to practice, and to develop relationships with like-minded others. You have all been my teachers as we have worked together to learn the core dharma teachings through our practice and discussions. It is for that support that I am most grateful.
The Bhavana Community, Inc. is a Nonprofit corporation exempt under IRS Code Section 501(c)(3).
Our Community Center and Yoga Studio is located at:
106 Marshall Court, Unit 120
Wilmington, North Carolina 28411
(just behind Bayshore Dental Excellence at 7643 Market Street)
Phone: Text or Call (910) 520-6846
Copyright © 2019 Bhavana Community of Coastal Carolina - All Rights Reserved.